Promotion of the Intercultural Cooperation

Recent Projects

Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar study abroad

About the project The project envisions the creation of an interactive map and an online database of more than 150 Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar studies centres in 30 countries. It describes the organizational/institutional structure of studies, how these study centres operate, and what priorities and topics guide their work.  The project also includes the creation…

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Harmonisation of the Interests of the Transborder Cooperation Actors as a Factor of Local Development in the Border Regions of UkraineAnalytical Report. 2021

Financially Supported by the Renaissance Foundation and the European Union within the EU4USociety project.  В Україні транскордонне співробітництво (ТКС) загалом оцінюється усіма його суб’єктами як потужний драйвер регіонального розвитку, поглиблення євроінтеграційних процесів на місцевому рівні та вирішення спільних із сусідами проблем у прикордонні. Водночас, попри зусилля центральних та місцевих органів влади України, громадськості та іноземних партнерів,…

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Dialogue Difficulties in Education Sphere Reform

The project was implemented within the framework of the competition “Civiс Synergy: Enhancing Public Participation in European Integration Reforms”.The study contains systematized and summarized results of 460 formalized and 146 in-depth interviews on pilot regions, such as Odesa, Chernivtsi, and Zakarpattia.The target audience consisted of representatives of local authorities and self-government; the leadership and teachers…

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Ukraine Analytica

Ukraine Analytica

UA: Ukraine Analytica is the first Ukrainian academic and analytical journal in English language on International Relations, Politics and Economics. The journal is aimed for experts, diplomats, academics, students interested in the international relations and foreign policy. And our journal is published by the NGO “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation” (Ukraine), Centre of International Studies (Ukraine), with the financial support…

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Sociological study to identify the existing processes of working with social conflicts in Odesa region, Ukraine

May-September 2019 All four outcomes of the project, namely – to analyze existing processes of managing social conflicts in Odesa region, to define the local needs and requests for intervention with social conflicts in communities, to identify local initiatives, groups, CSOs, institutions, individual activists and enthusiasts who are working with social conflicts at the community…

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EaP Think Bridge

EaP Think Bridge is a platform uniting expert communities in the countries of Eastern Partnership region to fill the gap in distributing analytical products for stakeholders. The think tank network was founded in 2016 by Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” and unites analytical centers in Eastern Partnership. Analysts from all six countries prepare monthly e-Digest following…

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Internet-project, started in 2018 thanks to the grant from UCF (, aims to connect the film communities of Eastern European countries on the basis of an educational platform in English language, which will be researching the actual topics on the future of the film industry. Since Eastern European cinema is way behind the productions of Western Europe…

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The general aim of the ENACTED project is the consolidation and promotion of excellence in research and teaching of European Studies, particularly with regards to the topic of the EU actorness, by integrating partners of the network, as well as increasing their role in the society, ENACTED NETWORK Leading institution: Association for Ethnic and Regional Studies -…

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